Tuesday, July 20, 2010

"Get Up---God's got your Back!"

As I get older I find myself reminiscing more often. I remember how I first learned to ride my Bike (A shiny red Western Flyer complete w/handlebar streamers). Sometimes my foot slipped off the pedal... I fell; if I wobbled...I fell; when I hit something...I fell; it seems that at the beginning I fell more than I rode! The point is each time I fell, I got up & tried again until I learned...that's life!

In this life we all fall, get knocked/pushed down by something or find ourselves in circumstances over which we have no control (loss of a job/spouse or other loved one/sickness). If you're reading this & it hasn't happened to you yet, oh it's coming!

If you're in a season of lingering despair the devil will tempt you to turn back to your old ways of handling problems...he'll try to hook you back up w/people who were no good for you (the very ones you said you'll never have anything else to do with). And before you realize it, you've gone back to drinking/smoking/drugs or indulging in other vices trying to forget about your problems. The devil is a trickster and he'll even tell you to compromise yourself to get what you want/need because you've waited long enough so you need to take matters into your own hands. Am I right?

I encourage you to wait just a little while longer for God is aware when you're trying to live right yet things are happening to you that don't make sense. He allows these things to happen so that you learn to walk by faith. And in time you'll see that He was moving on your behalf even in your trials.

Remember, just because you're down, you don't have to stay there. Get up knowing that---
God's got your back!!!!

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