Saturday, December 3, 2011

How do I get to where I want to Go?

I traveled out of town this Thanksgiving for the first time in 32 yrs. My destination was a city that I use to know like the back of my hand, but it has undergone lots of changes over the years. Reluctantly, I had to stop and ask for directions to my destination. It's frustrating to ask for directions from people who either don't know or who give directions which are hard to follow.
This caused me to thinking...there are many people who are trying to find a better way of life...a Godly life! They try following the world's path to a better life but in really have no idea which way to go. Thus, many have decided to simply travel through life, hoping to somehow stumble upon the Godly life. Some have asked direction but have been given such bad advice that they've been going around in circles & got so confused that they stopped looking! I found myself rejoicing in the fact that as a Christian I've found the directions to heaven because I've found Jesus and He has shown me the way. With Him as my guide I now know exactly how to get to heaven once my life is over here on earth!
This message is for those of you who've already taken that first step towards heaven by professing Jesus Christ as your Lord & Savior but are not quite sure you're headed down the salvation path. The way isn't complicated because you can get there (heaven) from where you are right now by following these directions:
1) Go to the nearest stop sign - simply stop doing wrong. Luke 13:5 says unless you repent, you will perish. Repentance means a change of heart/mind. When this happens you will want to stop doing anything that you know is displeasing to God (sex outside of marriage, steqling, lying, self-destruction, etc). I repeat, the first step is to go to the nearest stop sign & repent!
2) Turn right - After you stop the obvious sinful activity, you must turn from your evil ways. Zechariah 1:4 tells us, "...Thus saith the Lord of Hosts; Turn ye now from your evil ways, and from your evil doings", but I saythis way...stop throwing rocks & hiding your hand. Others might not know what you do or say but God knows. As a pastor, I klnow that this is where most Christians seem to "Mark time" in their salvation walk. Thjey front for other christians, appearing to be holy but on the inside they have evil black hearts. My word for them...REPENT!
3) Go Straight - If you're on your salvation path, you must walk straight. That's why if it's not right, I suggest you don't take part in it. Even though Jesus encourages every believer to walk the narrow path of righteousness because, as He said, "...Strait is the gate & narrow is the way which leads to life", but sadly only a few will stick/stay because for them the straight path means being free from the addictions that they enjoy in life (alcohol, drugs, nicotine, or anything else that appeals to our sinful nature). The Lord already knows this is the weakness of the flesh, but all you have to do is pray for His help in relieving yourself of these addictions...and He Will Help You!
Now there is one thing about good directions, they will include landmarks to let you know you're headed the right way. So, if you want to make it into heaven, go to the nearest stop sign, turn right, and walk straight until you see the cross on the hill! Don't worry when your journey gets weary & depressing for when you look up & see the cross on the hill, it will give you courage enough to keep on going! That's why David said, :I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills fro whence cometh my help, my help cometh from the Lord who made heaven & earth!" There's power in the cross, slavation is in the cross, and there is redemption in the cross. That's because it was on the cross that Jesus died for our sins and it was on the cross that He paid the price of our salvation. Therefore, if you want to know how to get to heaven, you must be willing to follow the trail of the cross. My final thoughts on this blog wraps it all up from a song I taught my choir years ago...Follow Jesus, take no chance getting lost; follow Jesus there'll be deserts you have to cross; follow Jesus, He's got a safe mountain plan; and if AJesus can't take you to the top, there's nobody else who can. God bless the readers of this blog!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Make the Right Choices

Today, I had the opportunity to minister to close family members who are experiencing tough times. And for those of you who may be "going through" as well, let me take this opportunity to share my thoughts with you at this time.
When I think about it, today's woman has no easy task; she's expected to help bring home the bacon as well as cook it. And even though she may have a full time job, she's still responsible for the upkeep of the house and taking care of the children (her major responsibilities as a wife & mother). And let's not leave out today's man, who works hard on his job to provide a good home in which to raise his family and build towards a future that he and his wife may enjoy in their retirement years. But just how many of you, in your zeal to provide material things for the family, fail to think about and adequately address the spiritual needs of your children as well as yourselves? John 6:27 says, "Labor not for the meat which perisheth, but for that meat which endureth unto everlasting life, which the Son of man shall give unto you..." i.e., don't put all your energy into that which is only temporary!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have personally known parents who've worked hard all their lives to leave their children something (an inheritance) and shortly after they died, their unappreciative children squandered it all! But not once have I ever heard a child say they didn't appreciate the faith their parents passed on to them. Therefore, parents, always be cognizant of the fact that your children are constantly watching you and they rely upon you to show them the correct way to live. Thus, why not show them how to live a life that is God-centered?
Let us not profess to be disciples of Jesus Christ and then allow other things to consume us and draw our attention away from Him. For if we're not careful, we'll be like the ground that received the seed with joy, yet because we don't take the time to fellowship with Him, the rocks & stones in our lives won't allow the seed to grow because we become overwhelmed with troubles & cares and die spiritually! Hebrews 2:11 says, "therefore, we must pay greater attention to what we've heard, so that we don't drift away from it".
The currents, cares & life's temptations will naturally cause you to drift away but if you don't want to drift away, if you want your life to mean something, if you want your children to see what it means to be a Christian, anchor deep in your fellowship with Christ. And, when they leave home to make their mark in this world, encourage them to continue their education so that they will find it easier to move up the ladder of success in their chosen career. But even more important, encourage them to develop and continually strengthen their relationship with God so that they won't miss out on life eternal with Him.
Good Parenting is "Making the right choices"!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

"Let Others See Your Good Works!"

Attention BELIEVERS...........................
Each of us is on a voyage through life and we're sure to face storms and the temptations of sin along the way. We've got to carry our own cargo but for some the burdens may become a weight too heavy to bear, therefore, they may become like sinking ships sending an SOS in desperation. I admonish you not to pass them by... help them. Why? Because we are called of God to be RESTORERS!
Galatians 6:1-2 tells us that if someone is caught in a sin, we who are spiritual should gently restore him, but in this process guard yourself from being tempted. Further, we are to carry one another's burdens, thus fulfilling the law of Christ which is to "Love one another" (we must give of ourselves to help others just as Jesus gave Himself to help us).
We must also be careful not to become self-righteous, judgmental and short on mercy. As Bros/Sis in Christ, we're a family and like all good family members, we must show concern and take good care of each other as the need arises. And in doing so, be sure to treat them as you would want to be treated in any given situation. In fact, you ought to take it a step further by doing good to all people, but especially to those who belong to our family of believers. And, just maybe... you'll give a little hope to someone, possibly leading them to Christ because of your good works!

Monday, October 3, 2011

"Live by the 'Golden Rule'...Even when it Hurts!"

True Disciples of Christ are to love their enemies. In ministry, I find this command to be more difficult for me with each passing year. That's because it's not enough for me to put up with or ignore my enemies; it's not enough for me to refuse to retaliate; additionally, God expects me to demonstrate love towards my enemies. Have you ever tried to love the "unlovable"? Believe me, IT AIN'T EASY!
But because I've confessed Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour, I know that I must follow the principles found in Romans 12..."Repay no one evil for evil"; "if possible live peaceably with all men"; "don't avenge yourself, for it is written, 'Vengeance is Mine' says the Lord". So if my enemy is hungry, God expects me to feed him; if he's thirsty, God wants me to give him a drink. And as I strive to live by these words, I'm more determined than ever not to be overcome by evil, but to overcome evil with good! If you feel me, say AMEN!
As a pastor I have the responsibility of being a living example for the congregation with whom I dwell. Therefore, I must show them outward love by doing good to those who hate me, blessing those who curse me and praying for those who mistreat me.
To all of my Bros/Sis in Christ, let me say that I really believe we are more like the Lord when we do good to somebody who doesn't deserve it! And I want to encourage you, as well as myself, with this last thought... Jesus said, "Treat all men, especially your enemies, the way yould like to be treated". Let's not forget to live by the Golden Rule. Be Blessed!!!!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Who do you depend upon?

Hello followers. I haven't posted in several weeks because during that time I've celebrated my church's 6th anniversary, my 35th wedding anniversary, my birthday and have gone on vacation all in the month of August (exhausting just listing it)! But now that I've had a chance to refresh my mind, I want to share these thoughts with you.
We all depend on something or someone in life. So, who do you ultimately rely on...yourself, your family, your church, the government, your bank account, your friends? Or do you rely on God? Well in the secular world, we depend upon ourselves, our friends, family or someone else to meet our needs or help us out when we get into trouble. But in the Christian world we learn to depend solely on God to meet our needs and to deliver us from trouble, but in doing so we still face trials and tribulations for the devil's main job is to keep us from putting all of our trust in God. He'll use anybody or anything to tempt and persuade us to turn away from God. He'll ridicule you, he'll challenge everything you believe in and if that doesn't work, he'll overwhelm you with fear.
We must all realize that the devil doesn't play fair for he'll attack you in your most vulnerable areas, threatening to destroy you! Now make no mistake about it, when you're in a fight with the devil and his demons, there's no way you're going to win the battle by relying on your strength need God on your side!
For some of you readers, the devil is already telling you not to believe what you're reading and he's giving you all kinds of reasons not to continue. Well that's just what he's supposed to do and he's a master at playing tricks with your mind: he will entice us with empty promises but this what he's really proposing, "come be my slave and I'll treat you real good". He'll promise you the world but you'll end up miserable (a slave to debt, work, sin and compulsive behaviors). And you'll end up being unhappy, unfufilled, and unproductive with nothing to show for your life. Do I have any witnesses out there?
My advice to you is, DEPEND ON GOD! But understand that even when you turn to God, the devil will still try to shake your faith and cause you to turn away from God (by any means necessary). So the next encounter you have with the devil, just pray and ask God to help you. I am a witness that.................................
He listens and responds to the prayers of a righteous man!!!!!!!!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

The Greatest Sermon Ever Preached

As my wife and I were out for a drive this afternoon, I listened to a gospel song entitled "God is Great & Greatly to be Praised" and I began thinking that there's just something about the word "great" or "greatness" that we all aspire to. It's something most of us care about because we want greatness to describe our performance, our work, our family, our schools, and for us pastors, even our church. As Christians, we are called to greatness but we won't find it along the roads that many of our Brothers and Sisters have traveled. So, believers, how can we aspire to greatness on a spiritual level?
Personally, I think the best example of what greatness is in the eyes of God is found in the scripture that says, "...whoever humbles himself like a child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven". Obviously these profound words differ from the world's portrayal of greatness (being in power; exercising authority over subordinates at the have an office with a view, secretaries who handle files/answer phones, and lots of people who cling to your every word, do what you say, while secretly wishing they were you!). And let's not forget that great people are supposed to own the biggest houses, the most luxurious cars, enroll their kids in the best schools and have every advantage that the world offers. Unfortunately, the world expects and has accepted the notion that those who desire greatness will do whatever to whomever in order to get to the top and maintain their status!!!!!!!!
The world thinks that greatness is found in being served, but Jesus said that whoever wants to be great must first be a servant! That's why as a pastor, I try to be an example for the congregation because I know my greatness shows when my own interests become subservient to God's will. And my constant message to the flock is that as part of the body of Christ our greatness is measured by our obedience, love, giving, sacrifice and service to God and others. And we all are to look to the cross for our perfect example because Jesus Christ came not to be served but to serve and give His life as a ransom for all who choose to believe in Him.
Now that you've read my thoughts on this subject, I ask that you seriously evaluate how you've defined greatness in your own life. You probably will have to admit to God that in a vain attempt to be great by the world's standards, you've failed to see what greatness is all about. And if you're not already doing so, start to emphasize giving over getting, and serving over being served instead of relishing your weak accomplishments, fancy titles, and worldly honors. The change in your life just might become the greatest sermon ever preached!

Monday, August 1, 2011

We're All Products of Change!

For most of June & July, in Northeast Florida & South Georgia, the weather was extremely hot and dry; there was very little rain. Lawns were brown, the blades of grass were withered/looked dead. My front yard looked like a dust bowl! But towards the end of the month God blessed us with a significant amount of rain. Upon arriving home this afternoon, I got soaked by torrential rainfall and as I ran to my front door from the driveway, I noticed how my lawn has come back to life and plants I once considered dead have sprung up from the ground with beautiful leaves attached to strong stems!
That's when it hit me...just as changes in the weather (from sunshine to rain/cold to warmth) is needed for trees to bear fruit and seeds to grow, God also uses change in our lives to purify/perfect us so that we will emerge better individuals than we were! So if you're going through changes in your life, understand and have faith that God knows what He's doing.
Look to the hills from whence cometh your help for your help comes from the Lord. And remember that your faith can turn your sighs into songs, adversity into assurance, despair into deliverance, pain into peace and grief into gladness! For the Lord is your strength and your shield. Believers must always trust in Him for help when you're going through. I know that I do and when I'm helped I emerge just a little stronger and a little wiser and I rejoice greatly, praising Him with my whole heart! Hallelujah!!!!!!!!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

"Let's Lose Some Weight!"

Many people have been dieting and exercising for months so that they can don swim trunks or bathing suites that will showcase their improved looks when they go to the beach this summer. For some, summertime arrived to soon, while others delight in showing off their new figures due to exercise & weight loss. May I suggest that we, as Christians, need to rid ourselves of some weight that we carry around so that we can be victorious in our salavation walk.
1. Lose the weight of Blame. We've all been guilty of denying our wrongdoing, not accepting responsibility for our behavior (passing the buck), and putting up smokescreens in attempts to hide the truth. But if you must blame someone for your problems, look in the mirror for the reflection you see, more often than not, shows you the real source of your problems (Gotcha!). It's time to remove the weight of blaming others so that your vision of self & God is clearer. Remember, the buck stops with you!
2. Lose the weight of Jealousy. The ears of a jealous person will interpret the words they hear in an effort to gain control over a situation. Proverbs 6:34 tells us that jealousy enrages a man & he won't show mercy when he takes revenge. You see, jealousy is a poisonous venom that can smother the life out of love; in fact, jealousy is more self love than true love. Jealousy will also cause you to see others as the enemy just as Saul saw David as a threat to his kingdom and his family. And jealousy feeds on suspicion, which can quickly turn into fury towards others.
Lastly, jealousy will hurt relationships... stopping communication. Tell-tale signs are envy, coveting, manipulation, control & trying to force your ways upon others within your family, circle of friends or co-workers. To be jealous is dangerous because it's self-feeding and self-growing, therefore, we must remove this heavy weight in order to advance in our salvation walk!
3. Lose the weight of Laziness. This is a learned behavior picked up from daily choices and lifestyles which can hinder achieving God's promises for your life. The Bible particularly speaks of widows who learn to be idle, wandering from house to house being busybodies and speaking things they shouldn't. Today's technological advances makes it much easier for this type of behavior to occur, i.e., telephone, facebook, twitter, etc. Today's married woman usually has a home and a family to take care of in addition to maintaining outside employment. Any available time should be spent keeping herself looking good and pleasing her husband. Ladies, don't make the mistake of becoming too common that you stop fixing yourself up for your man. And by the same token men, your responsibility is to provide for the needs of your family, with special attention devoted towards pleasing your wife (notice how I've chosen not to target single ladies/men at this time, but you can use this for future reference)! And please remember that together, God holds you responsible for teaching your children good moral character, responsibility, obedience, respect, etc. And I admonish you to not allow them to grow up being lazy!
4. Lose the weight of Bitterness. Like jealousy, bitterness will destroy you for it is poisonous venom to the soul. A bitter person is full of anger, grief and carries a spirit of heaviness. The bitter person is discontent, has a cutting tongue with no control over their emotions, and because of this may have developed ulcers or high blood pressure. They are easily irritated and think nothing of throwing a temper tantrum. This behavior is contagious and can run rampant in a family which is why the Bible says, "Husbands love your wife and not be bitter against them". If we don't our homes will soon become freezers with "spite" fences in every room and cold emotion throughout. Bitterness is nothing more than unforgiveness and unforgiveness will bring spiritual death and many heartaches along the way. Matthew 6:14 says, "For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their sins, your father will not forgive your sins".
Just writing this makes me feel bloated! God wants us to free ourselves from all the weights and pains of life. Only two things will accomplish that...the Word & Love! And after we've lost weight we can then help others with their heavy load!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Our Children Need to See the God in Us!

Parents, suppose your child came to you one day saying, "I know you're gonna drop dead one day, so whatever you have for me, give it to me now!"? I'd be furious & would make sure that child wouldn't get a dime...(an ungrateful...he/she got some much as I've done for him/her!!!) Do you feel me? These thoughts crossed my mind while I was reading about the prodigal son (Luke 15). For those who haven't read it, in this story the father was hurt by his son's demands but he gave him what he wanted, and as soon as he got his share, his son took off; walking out of his father's life to experience the world! This gives us a perfect example of a rebellious, disrespectful child, and I'm sure his father was probably brokenhearted and shed many tears over his son's foolish behavior. Then it hit me slap in the face...I can see God's character in this story; God is a loving father who lets his children (Christians) walk away from fellowship with Him, and it breaks His heart when we do...yet He's still our Father!!!!!!!!
You see, God loves us so much that He'll never force us to be obedient and loyal to Him; He wants us to freely love & serve Him. Sometimes when we mess us real bad, we have the nerve to blame Him..."if what I did was so wrong, why didn't God stop me?" Well, God didn't stop Adam & Eve from eating the forbidden fruit, nor did He stop King David from having an adulterous affair with Bathsheba. The reason's not in His nature! God loves us so much, He allows us to make our own choices, even though He knows the consequences of the bad choices. And, just as the prodigal son's father grieved when he left, God (our Father) grieves when one of us walks out of fellowship with Him.
I know some of you readers are prodigal parents who have children/grandchildren who've caused you the same kind of pain felt by the father in this story. You know first hand what it's like to have grown children alienate themselves from you...and it hurts! When they were little, you could discipline them, but now you only feel the pain. NEWS FLASH...God hurts even the more because the greater your capacity to love, the greater the capacity to be hurt; and God's love is stronger than ours therefore, His pain is greater!
Now here's the good news that I want to share with you. As the prodigal father accepted his son back showing no anger towards him, so does God the Father welcome back those who've gone astray and drifted out of fellowship with Him. And He'll treat you as if you never left because His love for you never changed. Reading this story for yourself will give you a clearer picture of our God---
He regrets our rebellion; He receives us with open arms
when we return, and He restores us when we repent!
A final word for all you prodigal parents & grandparents out there; your child may be distant from you because of rebellion, disagreements, a sinful lifestyle, a bad relationship, etc. But whatever the reason, they will realize their mistakes and ask for forgiveness. You just be ready to restore you relationship with them the God in you!!!!!!!!!!!!!
P.S. You might have to do some repenting yourself (Selah)!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

"A Call to Arms"

First, let me apologize to my followers for taking time off from my blogspot, but now that I'm back I hope to continue posting new blogs each week. Although I'm sure the contents of this blog will speak to a myriad of readers, I specifically posted it to address a situation that I and my colleagues have been dealing with for the past five months. It is my prayer that by reading this message, they will be refreshed in the Lord!
Christians all realize that there's a war going on and that we've been enlisted to serve on the front lines. I want to remind you that while you're on the battlefield for the Lord, trouble is going to come your way. And when it does, "consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing" (James 1:2-4).
The enemy may have an arsenal of weapons; he may have tried to keep you suppressed, depressed, compressed, & distressed, but be encouraged and know that "no weapon formed against you shall prosper". Sound off (Amen)! [real soldiers get my drift for the response]
If the enemy has you pinned down & it seems like there's trouble on every hand; you're in financial bondage; you're agonizing over your situation and feeling defeated, I'm reminding you today that "the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds". And that God (our Commander-in-Chief) out-ranks any foe you'll ever encounter on the battlefield, and He can destroy any yoke. It might seem like the devil is winning the fight right now, but you just Hold On! I've already received word from headquarters that our Commander-in-Chief is going to make your enemy your footstool. Sound off (Amen)!
All soldiers are given a Regulations Manual upon reporting for active duty. Bros/Sis our Army Regulations Manual (basic instructions) are found in the Bible. Information is there to help us survive when we go into battle. So when you find yourself trapped in your foxhole, trapped in guilt, trapped by complacency, trapped by your Manual! When you don't know what to do or how to do your Manual.
Take comfort in knowing that Jesus (our Commander-in-Chief) was once an enlisted soldier, therefore He knows exactly what we're going through. He sacrificed His life, yet gained victory over the cross at Calvary so that we, His soldiers, would have hope as we live and continue to fight. So trust in Him and ask Him to give you peace of mind in the midst of your battle.
And when the final battle trumpets sound; cease fire has been announced, we'll be able to say as Paul did, "I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith".
Sound off with a shout of victory......AMEN!!!!!!!!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

"The Value of Real Friendship"

"A man who has friends must himself be friendly..." (Prov. 18:24). During my life, I've come to realize that there are many people in this world who don't know what friendship is all about & that's why they don't have any! For you who may be Freindship Challenged, I'd like to share my thoughts about what real friendship is.

A real friend helps you when you're down. We all have acquaintances but few that we actually consider real friends. How can one tell the difference between the two? Just get into trouble & you'll soon find out who your real friends are...the ones who stick by you! You may even be saddened by the fact that those you considered real friends proved not to be when you needed them.

A real friend is someone who provides emotional or physical warmth. When faced with circumstances beyond our control, we need help. We need someone to encourage us by charging us up emotionally (encouragers), not someone who drains us emotionally. If you have friends who always criticize you and try to make you see things their way...drop them for they are discouragers and will drain you dry!

A real friend is someone who'll fight to protect you and your reputation. A real friend wil never stab you in the back; they guard your back & will not participate in gossip about you whether it's true or not!

A real friend is committed to helping you grow spiritually. The greatest gift you can give someone is an invitation to establish a personal relationship with God. If you are a Christian, these invitations should already be second nature to you. And as others in your circle of friends embark upon or continue their salvation walk, exhibit to them your desire for their continuous spiritual growth..."As iron sharpens iron, a friend sharpens a friend" (Prov. 27:17). Begin to challenge & push your friends to be all that God wants them to be.

Now for those of you who desire a frend like that, I know a friend who sticks closer than a brother...His name is JESUS! And I invite you to let Jesus become your best friend. After all, He deserves to be your best friend because 1) He already knows you better than any one else, and he still likes you...LOL; 2) He's done more for you than anyone else; He gave His life for us, even though we don't deserve it; and 3) He will always be there when you need Him!

Now if you've been convicted by my words and want to invite Jesus into your life, please repeat this prayer:

Lord Jesus I want to be your firend and I'm thankful that you want to be mine. I realize that I've sinned & no longer want to be separat6ed from you because of it. I realize that friendship with you would be impossible if you hadn't already paid for my sins on the cross & I acknowledge, accept & thank you for what you've already done for me. Amen