Saturday, May 5, 2012

Go & Tell Somebody!

If you're a believer, understand that God has made us His watchmen in our world today. And as believers we have a message from Him that people everywhere need to hear and if we won't tell it, who will? Now your message as a watchman is not just, "Come to my church, we have lots of nice people there". True as that may be, your message should be, "Come to Jesus; He'll meet your needs for forgiveness and eternal life & He'll give you a chance to carry His truth to those you love as well".

If you're hesitant, remember you're just a messenger so when people object to hearing God's truth, take comfort that you've done your job by simply reiterating what the Bible teaches. You have no control over the other person's response to the truth!

And to make sure that you don't come across as "Holier than Thou" (arrogant), admit to them that we've all sinned and fallen short of God's expectations but the good news is that because Jesus loves us, He died to pay the penalty for all of our sins so that we who believe in Him and walk in His ways will be saved from eternal hell! And please don't forget to remind them that Romans 14:12 says, "...Each of us will give an account of himself to God" and that only by receiving Christ as our Savior for the forgiveness of sin can we be saved from the wrath that is to come. Then leave them meditating on this statement, "God never sends anyone to Hell; people go because they fail to accept the TRUTH"!

So, all of you watchmen out there, tell other others of the Love of Jesus Christ; tell them about His saving grace and that our sins have been washed away by His shed blood. What are you waiting for?.........


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