Many people have been dieting and exercising for months so that they can don swim trunks or bathing suites that will showcase their improved looks when they go to the beach this summer. For some, summertime arrived to soon, while others delight in showing off their new figures due to exercise & weight loss. May I suggest that we, as Christians, need to rid ourselves of some weight that we carry around so that we can be victorious in our salavation walk.
1. Lose the weight of Blame. We've all been guilty of denying our wrongdoing, not accepting responsibility for our behavior (passing the buck), and putting up smokescreens in attempts to hide the truth. But if you must blame someone for your problems, look in the mirror for the reflection you see, more often than not, shows you the real source of your problems (Gotcha!). It's time to remove the weight of blaming others so that your vision of self & God is clearer. Remember, the buck stops with you!
2. Lose the weight of Jealousy. The ears of a jealous person will interpret the words they hear in an effort to gain control over a situation. Proverbs 6:34 tells us that jealousy enrages a man & he won't show mercy when he takes revenge. You see, jealousy is a poisonous venom that can smother the life out of love; in fact, jealousy is more self love than true love. Jealousy will also cause you to see others as the enemy just as Saul saw David as a threat to his kingdom and his family. And jealousy feeds on suspicion, which can quickly turn into fury towards others.
Lastly, jealousy will hurt relationships... stopping communication. Tell-tale signs are envy, coveting, manipulation, control & trying to force your ways upon others within your family, circle of friends or co-workers. To be jealous is dangerous because it's self-feeding and self-growing, therefore, we must remove this heavy weight in order to advance in our salvation walk!
3. Lose the weight of Laziness. This is a learned behavior picked up from daily choices and lifestyles which can hinder achieving God's promises for your life. The Bible particularly speaks of widows who learn to be idle, wandering from house to house being busybodies and speaking things they shouldn't. Today's technological advances makes it much easier for this type of behavior to occur, i.e., telephone, facebook, twitter, etc. Today's married woman usually has a home and a family to take care of in addition to maintaining outside employment. Any available time should be spent keeping herself looking good and pleasing her husband. Ladies, don't make the mistake of becoming too common that you stop fixing yourself up for your man. And by the same token men, your responsibility is to provide for the needs of your family, with special attention devoted towards pleasing your wife (notice how I've chosen not to target single ladies/men at this time, but you can use this for future reference)! And please remember that together, God holds you responsible for teaching your children good moral character, responsibility, obedience, respect, etc. And I admonish you to not allow them to grow up being lazy!
4. Lose the weight of Bitterness. Like jealousy, bitterness will destroy you for it is poisonous venom to the soul. A bitter person is full of anger, grief and carries a spirit of heaviness. The bitter person is discontent, has a cutting tongue with no control over their emotions, and because of this may have developed ulcers or high blood pressure. They are easily irritated and think nothing of throwing a temper tantrum. This behavior is contagious and can run rampant in a family which is why the Bible says, "Husbands love your wife and not be bitter against them". If we don't our homes will soon become freezers with "spite" fences in every room and cold emotion throughout. Bitterness is nothing more than unforgiveness and unforgiveness will bring spiritual death and many heartaches along the way. Matthew 6:14 says, "For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their sins, your father will not forgive your sins".
Just writing this makes me feel bloated! God wants us to free ourselves from all the weights and pains of life. Only two things will accomplish that...the Word & Love! And after we've lost weight we can then help others with their heavy load!
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