Saturday, July 23, 2011

"Let's Lose Some Weight!"

Many people have been dieting and exercising for months so that they can don swim trunks or bathing suites that will showcase their improved looks when they go to the beach this summer. For some, summertime arrived to soon, while others delight in showing off their new figures due to exercise & weight loss. May I suggest that we, as Christians, need to rid ourselves of some weight that we carry around so that we can be victorious in our salavation walk.
1. Lose the weight of Blame. We've all been guilty of denying our wrongdoing, not accepting responsibility for our behavior (passing the buck), and putting up smokescreens in attempts to hide the truth. But if you must blame someone for your problems, look in the mirror for the reflection you see, more often than not, shows you the real source of your problems (Gotcha!). It's time to remove the weight of blaming others so that your vision of self & God is clearer. Remember, the buck stops with you!
2. Lose the weight of Jealousy. The ears of a jealous person will interpret the words they hear in an effort to gain control over a situation. Proverbs 6:34 tells us that jealousy enrages a man & he won't show mercy when he takes revenge. You see, jealousy is a poisonous venom that can smother the life out of love; in fact, jealousy is more self love than true love. Jealousy will also cause you to see others as the enemy just as Saul saw David as a threat to his kingdom and his family. And jealousy feeds on suspicion, which can quickly turn into fury towards others.
Lastly, jealousy will hurt relationships... stopping communication. Tell-tale signs are envy, coveting, manipulation, control & trying to force your ways upon others within your family, circle of friends or co-workers. To be jealous is dangerous because it's self-feeding and self-growing, therefore, we must remove this heavy weight in order to advance in our salvation walk!
3. Lose the weight of Laziness. This is a learned behavior picked up from daily choices and lifestyles which can hinder achieving God's promises for your life. The Bible particularly speaks of widows who learn to be idle, wandering from house to house being busybodies and speaking things they shouldn't. Today's technological advances makes it much easier for this type of behavior to occur, i.e., telephone, facebook, twitter, etc. Today's married woman usually has a home and a family to take care of in addition to maintaining outside employment. Any available time should be spent keeping herself looking good and pleasing her husband. Ladies, don't make the mistake of becoming too common that you stop fixing yourself up for your man. And by the same token men, your responsibility is to provide for the needs of your family, with special attention devoted towards pleasing your wife (notice how I've chosen not to target single ladies/men at this time, but you can use this for future reference)! And please remember that together, God holds you responsible for teaching your children good moral character, responsibility, obedience, respect, etc. And I admonish you to not allow them to grow up being lazy!
4. Lose the weight of Bitterness. Like jealousy, bitterness will destroy you for it is poisonous venom to the soul. A bitter person is full of anger, grief and carries a spirit of heaviness. The bitter person is discontent, has a cutting tongue with no control over their emotions, and because of this may have developed ulcers or high blood pressure. They are easily irritated and think nothing of throwing a temper tantrum. This behavior is contagious and can run rampant in a family which is why the Bible says, "Husbands love your wife and not be bitter against them". If we don't our homes will soon become freezers with "spite" fences in every room and cold emotion throughout. Bitterness is nothing more than unforgiveness and unforgiveness will bring spiritual death and many heartaches along the way. Matthew 6:14 says, "For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their sins, your father will not forgive your sins".
Just writing this makes me feel bloated! God wants us to free ourselves from all the weights and pains of life. Only two things will accomplish that...the Word & Love! And after we've lost weight we can then help others with their heavy load!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Our Children Need to See the God in Us!

Parents, suppose your child came to you one day saying, "I know you're gonna drop dead one day, so whatever you have for me, give it to me now!"? I'd be furious & would make sure that child wouldn't get a dime...(an ungrateful...he/she got some much as I've done for him/her!!!) Do you feel me? These thoughts crossed my mind while I was reading about the prodigal son (Luke 15). For those who haven't read it, in this story the father was hurt by his son's demands but he gave him what he wanted, and as soon as he got his share, his son took off; walking out of his father's life to experience the world! This gives us a perfect example of a rebellious, disrespectful child, and I'm sure his father was probably brokenhearted and shed many tears over his son's foolish behavior. Then it hit me slap in the face...I can see God's character in this story; God is a loving father who lets his children (Christians) walk away from fellowship with Him, and it breaks His heart when we do...yet He's still our Father!!!!!!!!
You see, God loves us so much that He'll never force us to be obedient and loyal to Him; He wants us to freely love & serve Him. Sometimes when we mess us real bad, we have the nerve to blame Him..."if what I did was so wrong, why didn't God stop me?" Well, God didn't stop Adam & Eve from eating the forbidden fruit, nor did He stop King David from having an adulterous affair with Bathsheba. The reason's not in His nature! God loves us so much, He allows us to make our own choices, even though He knows the consequences of the bad choices. And, just as the prodigal son's father grieved when he left, God (our Father) grieves when one of us walks out of fellowship with Him.
I know some of you readers are prodigal parents who have children/grandchildren who've caused you the same kind of pain felt by the father in this story. You know first hand what it's like to have grown children alienate themselves from you...and it hurts! When they were little, you could discipline them, but now you only feel the pain. NEWS FLASH...God hurts even the more because the greater your capacity to love, the greater the capacity to be hurt; and God's love is stronger than ours therefore, His pain is greater!
Now here's the good news that I want to share with you. As the prodigal father accepted his son back showing no anger towards him, so does God the Father welcome back those who've gone astray and drifted out of fellowship with Him. And He'll treat you as if you never left because His love for you never changed. Reading this story for yourself will give you a clearer picture of our God---
He regrets our rebellion; He receives us with open arms
when we return, and He restores us when we repent!
A final word for all you prodigal parents & grandparents out there; your child may be distant from you because of rebellion, disagreements, a sinful lifestyle, a bad relationship, etc. But whatever the reason, they will realize their mistakes and ask for forgiveness. You just be ready to restore you relationship with them the God in you!!!!!!!!!!!!!
P.S. You might have to do some repenting yourself (Selah)!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

"A Call to Arms"

First, let me apologize to my followers for taking time off from my blogspot, but now that I'm back I hope to continue posting new blogs each week. Although I'm sure the contents of this blog will speak to a myriad of readers, I specifically posted it to address a situation that I and my colleagues have been dealing with for the past five months. It is my prayer that by reading this message, they will be refreshed in the Lord!
Christians all realize that there's a war going on and that we've been enlisted to serve on the front lines. I want to remind you that while you're on the battlefield for the Lord, trouble is going to come your way. And when it does, "consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing" (James 1:2-4).
The enemy may have an arsenal of weapons; he may have tried to keep you suppressed, depressed, compressed, & distressed, but be encouraged and know that "no weapon formed against you shall prosper". Sound off (Amen)! [real soldiers get my drift for the response]
If the enemy has you pinned down & it seems like there's trouble on every hand; you're in financial bondage; you're agonizing over your situation and feeling defeated, I'm reminding you today that "the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds". And that God (our Commander-in-Chief) out-ranks any foe you'll ever encounter on the battlefield, and He can destroy any yoke. It might seem like the devil is winning the fight right now, but you just Hold On! I've already received word from headquarters that our Commander-in-Chief is going to make your enemy your footstool. Sound off (Amen)!
All soldiers are given a Regulations Manual upon reporting for active duty. Bros/Sis our Army Regulations Manual (basic instructions) are found in the Bible. Information is there to help us survive when we go into battle. So when you find yourself trapped in your foxhole, trapped in guilt, trapped by complacency, trapped by your Manual! When you don't know what to do or how to do your Manual.
Take comfort in knowing that Jesus (our Commander-in-Chief) was once an enlisted soldier, therefore He knows exactly what we're going through. He sacrificed His life, yet gained victory over the cross at Calvary so that we, His soldiers, would have hope as we live and continue to fight. So trust in Him and ask Him to give you peace of mind in the midst of your battle.
And when the final battle trumpets sound; cease fire has been announced, we'll be able to say as Paul did, "I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith".
Sound off with a shout of victory......AMEN!!!!!!!!