Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Are You Spiritually Healthy?

With the change of seasons, comes health issues for most of us. November begins that time of the year when colds/flu affect healthy bodies, and we find ourselves going to the doctor who, after thorough examination, determines the appropriate medication to prescribe for the pharmacist to issue. But how can you tell if your spiritual health is good? One way is to assess how you're living. Are you dissatisfied (always wanting more) or have you learned to be content with your situation knowing, that in God's time, things will get better? Warning...your answer will reveal the soundness of your faith!

Another indicator of your spiritual health is by the soundness of your speech. When you speak to others, is your conversation usually uplifting and posititve? A spiritually healthy person is careful not to let unwholesome talk come out of his/her mouth, but only that which is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen (Ephesians 4:29). Negative talk is bad for your spiritual health; gossip, backbiting, mean/harsh/profane words do nothing to build anyone up so why use them?

Sometimes our spiritual health grows weak because we're pulled down by all the discouraging things around us, so we also need sound doctrine. When we read the Word, listen to & follow sound doctrine, we become spiritually healthy which is evidenced by sound faith, which in turn, determines how we live! Don't you think it's time for a check-up? Do this quick exam to see if your spiritual health is good:
  • Do you listen to sound doctrine/more importantly, do you follow it?
  • Do you have sound faith (is your life producing the right kind of works)?
  • Do you exhibit soundness of speech?

If you're like most people, you might not be quite there yet, so here's what you can do. Go to God's Pharmacy (read your Bible; pray to Dr. Jesus) and The Bread of Life, The Lamb of God, The Living Word, will give you just the right dosage of the medicine you need for good spiritual health!

Let's Get Healthy!!!!!!!!!

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