Having been brought up in the church and now enjoying the priviledge of pastoring a church for the past five years, I've observed and listened to people's views on what GRACE is and its relevance to their lives. Thus, I've categorized church folk into four types:
1) GRACELESS - The goal of people in this category is to fulfill all desires; their motto is "It's all about me". Whether or not they can afford things, they buy them simply because they feel they deserve it. These people live it up, thinking "if it feels good, do it!" If you are that type of person, please read Romans 1:18-32. In these verses you're warned that there is no excuse for the things you do. It also says that if you don't bother to acknowledge God, He'll let you do what you want but eventually all hell will break loose in your life. 2) GRACE-ROBBERS - The goal of people in this category is to be better than others are not afraid to let them know it! They're always comparing their lives to others (I'm prettier, more handsome, bigger, or smarter than you!). They are quick to point out another's short-comings. You might even say that these people are "stuck up!". And even if they admit their faults, they will justify it by saying that they're not as bad as others. And I can't leave out that they like to make others feel guilty. Now if you fall into this category, please read Romans 2:1-11 and my question to you is, "Who gave you authority to judge your brother?". As you read these verses you can clearly see the warning that when you point fingers at others, criticizing them, you condemn yourself!
3) GUILTY-GRACE - The goal of people in this category is to convince God that they're good, thus they deserve to go to heaven. Theses people stress themselves out thinking they never do enough good or have enough time to do good things. And if they find something they like to do, they immediately stop because they feel it's sinful because they're full of guilt and fear. For those of you in this category, please read Romans 2:17-3:20. The summation of these verses is that you can't earn your way into heaven. If you have faith/trust God and are obedient to His Word, this is credited to you as righteousness...and that's God's gift to you. Heaven will be your reward!
4) GRACEFUL - People in this category live by the strategy, "In Christ alone I place my trust and I want to know Him better"! These people love the Lord with their whole heart, mind, and soul. They are often described as follows: calm & peaceful, not perfect just forgiven, were lost but now found, and are saved by grace! That's the kind of person I'm striving to be...full of grace and trying to live according to God's Word. Others of you who fit into this category already know the summation of Romans 1:16-17, "I am not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ for it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes and the righteous man will live by faith".
All of the above types of people are found in every church...WHICH ONE ARE YOU?
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