I'm sitting here thinking about how many times I've been told to take authority over my life. And each time this advice was offered, it sounded good. But as I've matured in my faith I realize that only God has absolute authority over our lives! Yet He allows our lives to be segmented so that different individuals or government officials have authority over different areas of our lives. At home, there's accountability to family members (parental authority); on the job you're accountable to your boss; at church there's spiritual leadership (pastoral authority); and in society the are civil authorities, but none of these have a right to govern our entire lives!
As an adult, have you ever pondered these thoughts: Does God have the right to put me anywhere He wants in relationship to other people? Does the person over me have to be smarter than me, more capable than me, more spitiual than me? Are there certain criteria they have to meet before I submit to them? Why am I not in charge since I'm more capable than the other person? Why was I passed over for that promotion when it's obvious that I'm more capable or more spiritual than the person who was promoted? If you've contemplated these things and decided to rebell, then the root of your rebellion is PRIDE!
Bro/Sis, the Word of God says, "He who exalts himself will be abased but he who humbles himself under the mighty hand of God will be exalted in due time". Don't you know that God gives you favor among those in authority? But by your actions, you can easily lose His favor! So, if you're frustrated and discontent because your role at work or at church isn't as important as you think it ought to be or you're not getting the recognition you feel you deserve, do yourself a favor and start to become more diligent in pleasing the Lord; being faithful and humble in the place that God has given you at this time in your life.
And remember these two things: 1) God wants to bless us and take care of us, but He has to do it His way...and many times He does it through the authority He places over us; and 2) It takes faith to submit to human authority - a faith that can look beyond the person and see a loving God "...working all things together for our good". And in this process God is going to change you or your circumstances, or both!
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