a self-righteous spirit!
The self-righteous person begins to place albatrosses around the necks of other believers, creating boundaries for what he/she believes is righteous living (no make-up, must wear long dresses/skirts to church, only listen to gospel music, no dancing or going to the movies, etc.). This is the kind of stuff the Pharisees did to the people & by the time Christ came along, they had produced a heartless, cold & arrogant brand of righteousness.
When we place religious restrictions on people, we're holding them accountable to man while accountability to God is lost! This kind of attitude creates a judgmental spirit in the church and a false standard of righteousness which burdens the believer so much that there's no room for joy in their salvation!
God judges what we do according to the attitude of our heart when we do it. and He shows no favoritism amongst believers. So let's be careful not to become judgmental. We can inspect the fruit that our Bros/Sis in Christ bear & encourage each other to live for God by genuinely showing love, compassion & patience when they mess up. In this process we allow God to do His work without interference from us. After all, He doesn't need our help!
Love this:)
ReplyDeleteThis was an interesting word and I liked it. It made me think of how many people rejecting religion largely because of self-righteous or hypocritical attitudes.