Well Lord, this month I'm going to do all I can to show others the Christ that dwells in me. I'm going to give of my time, talent and money to my church. But then the next month, I only show up to Sunday service once, I give no money nor do I devote any time helping others or doing things for my church.
If the above statements describe you, then you're an "on-again/off-again" Christian; your devotion to Jesus is moderate at best. Your mindset is of such that you're going to serve & honor Jesus but you're not going to be crazy and overdo it (spending too much of your time & giving too much of your money). Wait a minute...whose time...whose money?
The church has far too many Christians who respond to Jesus with moderate devotion, and when they see true devotion being displayed by other Bros & Sis. in Christ, they don't understand it. Therefore, they'll say things like, "Hey, I love Jesus, too, but come on now let's not get crazy and fanatical about it. I can't let the church take up too much of my life; I'll go to Sunday morning worship service but I'm not getting up early to attend Sunday School, after all that's my day off from work! And I'm definitely not going to mid-week Bible study or any other church meeting for that matter...I gotta get up early during the week so that I can be on my J-O-B on time! Anyway, it don't take all that! And I'm certainly not going to give 10% of my hard-earned money to the church! They ought to be glad I put money in the offering because I've got bills to pay!"
To those Christians I say, who continues to give you life each day? And who gave you that job from which you earn money in order to pay bills and buy the things you desire? GOD...that's who, and all He requires of us is that we give Him 10% of what He's blessed us with, yet most of us won't even do that, however, we never hesitate to ask Him to bless us!
I admonish you to read in the book of Revelation 3:15-16. Jesus is speaking to the church at Laodicea and this is what He says: "I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm - neither hot nor cold - I am about to spit you out of my mouth!" He that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to you...His Church! Amen.