A real friend helps you when you're down. We all have acquaintances but few that we actually consider real friends. How can one tell the difference between the two? Just get into trouble & you'll soon find out who your real friends are...the ones who stick by you! You may even be saddened by the fact that those you considered real friends proved not to be when you needed them.
A real friend is someone who provides emotional or physical warmth. When faced with circumstances beyond our control, we need help. We need someone to encourage us by charging us up emotionally (encouragers), not someone who drains us emotionally. If you have friends who always criticize you and try to make you see things their way...drop them for they are discouragers and will drain you dry!
A real friend is someone who'll fight to protect you and your reputation. A real friend wil never stab you in the back; they guard your back & will not participate in gossip about you whether it's true or not!
A real friend is committed to helping you grow spiritually. The greatest gift you can give someone is an invitation to establish a personal relationship with God. If you are a Christian, these invitations should already be second nature to you. And as others in your circle of friends embark upon or continue their salvation walk, exhibit to them your desire for their continuous spiritual growth..."As iron sharpens iron, a friend sharpens a friend" (Prov. 27:17). Begin to challenge & push your friends to be all that God wants them to be.
Now for those of you who desire a frend like that, I know a friend who sticks closer than a brother...His name is JESUS! And I invite you to let Jesus become your best friend. After all, He deserves to be your best friend because 1) He already knows you better than any one else, and he still likes you...LOL; 2) He's done more for you than anyone else; He gave His life for us, even though we don't deserve it; and 3) He will always be there when you need Him!
Now if you've been convicted by my words and want to invite Jesus into your life, please repeat this prayer:
Lord Jesus I want to be your firend and I'm thankful that you want to be mine. I realize that I've sinned & no longer want to be separat6ed from you because of it. I realize that friendship with you would be impossible if you hadn't already paid for my sins on the cross & I acknowledge, accept & thank you for what you've already done for me. Amen